Charitable Solicitation Information
211 Illinois is a registered charity in Illinois. Our registration number is #01060532. Documents and information submitted under this license number are available from the Secretary of State for the cost of copies and postage. A copy of our organizations financial statements is available upon request in writing by emailing executivedirector@211illinois.org or mail at 330 S Greenleaf St, Gurnee, IL 60031.
How Does Your Donation Help?
At 211 Illinois, we are the lead entity responsible for designating the 2-1-1 number and overseeing 2-1-1 services. We coordinate statewide efforts for existing and service expansion, monitor network quality and changes, and fund 2-1-1 services and marketing efforts. Illinois is not yet 100% covered with 2-1-1 services. Your donation will help support our expansion efforts to bring vital 2-1-1 services to everyone in Illinois.
The Impact of Your Donation.
Client Testimonial 3: A legally blind mother of three contacted 2-1-1. Due to her condition, she has difficulty finding gainful employment. Her unemployment benefits have been exhausted, and her SSDI application is pending. Without a consistent source of income, she found herself a few months behind on rent, utility bills, and a car note. She reached out to 211 Metro Chicago where a compassionate Resource Navigator identified some resources to address her needs and work through some problem-solving strategies. On a follow-up call, AB was happy to announce that The Salvation Army was able to help with rental assistance and she was approved for utility payment assistance through a LIHEAP program. AB was very grateful for the resources provided by 211 and was able to meet all her needs.
What is 211?
Across Illinois, residents are experiencing life challenges that strain their family's health and wallets. Navigating through trauma to find help is often a daunting task. Where does one start? A great place to begin is by contacting 2-1-1.
2-1-1 is an easy three-digit number set aside by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for access to health and human service information. 2-1-1 is available 24 hours a day by phone, text, email, or live chat.
2-1-1 is a guiding light! Community Resource Specialists (CRS) are caring experts ready to connect Illinois residents with the help they deserve. By discussing situations, assessing tried-and-true solutions, and understanding barriers, the 211 CRS guides residents to local, statewide, and national charities and government organizations that might help. If you or someone you know is going through a rough time and doesn’t know where to turn, contact 2-1-1.